Tag Archives: head

A12GX Head – A14 Sub – Dual SU's – Lightened Flywheel

What a busy few weeks getting the Bakkie in order.

Just want to give all that provided me with tips and tricks some feedback.
Got the Datsun

Comps spec on the flywheel, took the flywheel and a new pressure plate to the dude that does my machining, he got it down to 5.78kg, he also balanced the flywheel and new pressure plate for me.
Installed the A12GX head with worked ports and valves.
Fitted a 4-1 branch manifold, already had a 50mm Stainless Free flow System
HS4 Dual SU Carburetors, intake manifold ports matched to head intake ports
Fitted a electric fan, switch comes on at 85degrees, removed mechanical fan on water pump
Had to purchase a new Temp Sensor, could not get the old one out of the A14 head.

Here comes the interesting bit, somewhere down the line, they changed the resistance on these sensors, from about 560ohm to about 360ohm at 16degrees.
This caused more than enough problems. All of a sudden the temp gauge needle climbed way more that it should.

We started it up, all was fine, no bolts, pistons or valves flew around, tuned the su’s. The electronic fan came on, everything working as it should.

Once on the road it was a different story, torque there is a lot of, it is clean, revs up nicely, pulls excellent from 2k rpm right thru to the limiter (currently at 7k rpm), there is not even signs that you are about to hit the limiter, this means all is working together, producing nice bottom down torque and decent top end power.

Then, all of a sudden the motor gets hot. After a day or two and enough swear words to make a sailor look like a beginner. We figured it out. Once on the road there is enough air travelling over the switch to cool it down and not switch the fan on. This caused me more time under the bonnet than needed.

Obviously if the water gets way to hot, pressure builds

and want to escape somewhere, the place it picked was between cylinder 3 and 4 at the water ports on the intake manifold gasket. After taking it apart, I also noticed that the one exhaust manifold washer was pressing against a piece of welding on the branch. Smoothed it down, reassembled the lot. Also re-fitted the old mechanical fan on the water pump to be on the safe side.

Took it for a drive, no issues what so ever anymore, the fan doesn’t even switch on after some heavy spinning and gymkhana practice.

Saturday we have our next race meeting and look forward to the added power and overall better A14-A12 inbreed.
Just hope I will be able to keep the wheel spin to a minimum, we are expecting rain also, and that sure as hell wil not help.

Thanks a lot to all that helped and gave advice. Special thanks to Einstein(My Brother), My Father and Ruan.

Datsun Head Prep & Engine Mounts

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=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=607&g2_GALLERYSID=TMP_SESSION_ID_DI_NOISSES_PMT” alt=”A12GXHeadSkimmed2″ width=”466″ height=”350″ />Look at it,isn’t she just beautiful. All shinny and almost completely assembled. With ports so big and smooth…….. almost got sidetracked there.

Received her back yesterday from the machining shop after a very gentle skimming job just to make sure all is in good

order and ready viagra for sale for some serious hard work and alot of abuse on the gymkhana tracks. The only thing that is still in the back of my head is the water ports that show signs of damage, but at least this was approved by my father that has a lot more experience than me. Just need a final cleanup after the machining and the last few parts must be prepped before we can start with the rebirth of the A12GX head on the A14. What a nice combination these to will be, coupled that with the pare of SU’s waiting there turn. A nice change from the standard DCOE route in SA. Hopefully tonight the installation can commence.

RPMMountsFrontLast night Ruan and I installed the new set of engine mountings, the old ones started tearing, so we upgraded them to some serious mounts. This stuff is so tough, I wonder if it wasn’t made for V6 or V8 engines. Lets see if the poor 1400 can tear them this round.

Luckily for us, half of the engine bay is stripped, to get a grinder in next to the dizzy and the strut tower is a task of immense struggle. After a hour or two, both mountings was in place and a set of happy eyes starred them down.

My brother and I also finished with the CAD drawings for the Camber/Castor plates. We printed them, took a pair of scissors to it and trial fitted it to make sure the new wholes will be in usable spots. On the Datsun it was a success, let’s hope the same for the Escorts side. Then we can get the first sets lazercutted and assembled.